8 Strategies for Christian Creators to Build Online Credibility
Updated: Jul 28
Regardless of the business you operate, you need to establish a bond of trust with your customers. If people don't trust you, they will never buy your products and services. This is important, whether your business is online or offline, as the web can connect your brand to millions of potential clients and customers. Online credibility is too vital to overlook.
The question is, how do you build this as a Christian content creator in a not-so-friendly world? Here are 8 highly effective ways to strengthen your online credibility:
1. Display Your Expertise
People will first and foremost visit your platform not because they like you, but because they have a problem that needs solving. Make sure that you can effectively address at least one in your niche and offer a practical solution. Show people you understand the subject matter and have a sound command of it. Display your expertise by clearly stating how long you've been in the industry, your experiences, relevant degrees/trainings, achievements and through the quality of your content. When they get the help they need and perceive that more is on the way, they will come to trust you and keep returning.
2. Communicate Honestly and Productively
You set out on this journey of creation because you have a message you want to pass across. It is your responsibility to ensure that every information you put on your platform are verifiable and effective. It is unavoidable that people may sometimes misunderstand or take them out of context. Regardless, you will be confident in the honesty of your message and overtime, it will draw the loyalty of people.
3. Show your Humanity
Gone are the days where being 'picture-perfect' was completely attractive. The world has learned by experience that it simply doesn't exist. They've also learnt to be distrustful of those who claim to be so. Feel free to be human. Acknowledging your flaws and struggles won't chase people from you. Rather, , it will endear you to them because these people are looking to find themselves in your dreams, struggles and even fears. People want to see you for you. So, as you share your success, let them in on your failures as well. It will make you relatable, prove your growth, increase your authenticity and trustworthiness.
4. Acquire Some Social Proof
Testimonials of previously satisfied clients/customers are vital in determining how much potential ones will trust you. Leverage on proof of your expertise and good results of your product or service. On you website, blog or social media platforms, display these praises (star ratings, endorsements, reviews, follower count, total profit, total sales, press releases, publications, etc.) for others to see. This will greatly increase your online credibility.
5. Offer Upfront Free Value
Value is great, but there's something about the free kind that sucks people in whole. We all love freebies, for sure. Create a PDF, step-by-step guide, beat sheet, etc. that offers value. Place this on your platforms as a means to attract people to your brand. This is an amazing lead magnet, the quality of what they find there will undoubtedly draw them back to you.
6. Uplift Others
Your audience needs to know that you're rooting for their success. Do your best to sincerely allay their fears, clear their confusions, support their dreams, appreciate the value of their work and encourage them all round. There is power in presence. Create a system to respond early to their concerns and complaints. Show them that you care and that you're going to be there for them in their journey to all-round growth. This encouragement creates a feeling of safety and belonging. It is how loyal communities are built.
7. Engage Prayer Power
This world operates by laws and principles that are beyond the physical. God is your greatest partner in this journey to online credibility and eventually to the fulfilment of your purpose. Don't allow a day go by without committing yourself, your family, your business and your audience to the King of kings in faith-filled prayers. He Created everyone, so the hearts of the people you want to reach are in His Hands. He can grant you access to them all. Ask Him for the Grace for influence and He will answer you for His Glory. Only maintain your integrity before Him and people.
8. Stay Consistent
Not one of the earlier 7 strategies and tips to build online credibility will work without consistency. 70% of your success with any endeavor will depend on you showing up relentlessly. Be consistent with all these steps and don't give up. It takes consistency to win in the online space. Focus diligently on your major platform for 6 months. The positive changes you'll experience will stun you.
When you commit to these steps, your reach will undoubtedly increase. Also, these won't just be Passers-by. They'll become loyal customers and even go on to develop valuable connections with you through the agency of your well-presented brand.
Put these 8 steps into practice today and take your business to the next level of success to the Glory of your King.